
Sonya Hussyn Exposes Celebrities’ Secret Cash-for-Weddings Deal – The Glitterati Paid to Attend A Wedding

In a recent appearance on the popular program “Hansna Mana Hai,” Pakistani actress Sonya Hussyn shed light on a topic that has been a subject of curiosity among fans and the public alike. During the show, the host, Tabbasum Hashmi, candidly asked Sonya if it is true that celebrities receive monetary compensation for attending weddings.

In response to the question, the talented actress candidly confirmed that celebrities are indeed paid to be a part of weddings. Sonya went on to explain that in such events, celebrities are invited to weddings as friends of the bride and groom and are often asked to pose for pictures. As a token of appreciation for their presence and participation, these showbiz personalities are rewarded with generous amounts of money.

While this practice may be common in the industry, Sonya revealed that she has not yet been a part of such weddings. She shared that she finds it a bit strange to attend an event without knowing anyone there, and hence, has chosen not to be a part of such gatherings thus far.

The revelation by Sonya Hussyn has sparked curiosity among fans and has offered a glimpse into the workings of the showbiz industry. It highlights the various aspects and opportunities that celebrities encounter in their professional lives, beyond their on-screen appearances. The news has generated discussions and reactions on social media, with many expressing their views on the practice of paying celebrities to attend weddings.

As an admired figure in the entertainment world, Sonya Hussyn’s frankness in addressing this topic has garnered attention and added yet another layer of fascination to the lives of celebrities and their involvement in various social events.

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