Brand NewsEvents

Stage Line Pakistan and Nina G Salon Holds The Beauty Exhibit

Stage Line Cosmetics is an emerging name in the beauty industry and has gained immense credibility in a very short span of time after its formal launch in Pakistan only a few months back. Stage Line Cosmetics has associated itself with the most renowned and credible names in the beauty industry.

This time around Stage Line has collaborated with the honorable Nina G for their event “The Beauty Exhibit” at the Fortress Square Mall. The aim of The Beauty Exhibit was to introduce Stage Line Cosmetics and its diverse product features to a mass audience. The idea was to engage the customers through expert instruction and advice on the subject of beauty care and makeup techniques and who could have been a better choice than Nina G for this purpose!

The event took place on the 11th of March and proved a huge success with an impressive attendance by both general public and the media representatives and influencers. The Event PR was done by Transmedia Digital Solutions as their official PR agency. Here is to wishing team Stage Line and Keaune international our very best on the success of their wonderful venture.

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