Right off the bat, I would like to go on the record by saying that I am a pretty big Star Wars fan. Sure, I may not be your ultimate chewy costume wearing fan but I am on the level of standing first in line and arguing with people who believe that Greudo shot first. I mean come on people! HAN SHOT FIRST! It was for these reasons why I was a bit excited about watching Star Wars in IMAX and was among the first people to book the ticket for the yet unreleased movie.
To be honest, I didn’t really expect much of a difference from a normal cinema and IMAX but boy was I wrong. From the starting sequence, I was simply blown away by the marvelous sound and picture quality of IMAX. Without diving too much into the movie or giving away any spoilers, I will just say that the parts you saw in the trailer were absolutely rubbish when compared to the quality of IMAX. Heck, I will even go as far as saying that you haven’t ever seen a lightsaber battle until you have experienced it in IMAX and the movie managing to deliver somewhat to its expectations only made the whole deal that much sweeter.
In the end, I would only say that if you’re a Star Wars fan and haven’t watched the movie… heck, even if you have watched it and not seen it in IMAX, I highly recommend that you do so at your earliest convenience. Believe me it will be worth it!
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