
Studio became my comfort zone, Banaam Sarkaar is a fresh start for me to journalism: Seemal Hashmi

Change is the only constant and everything comes to an end but life moves on! This is something we realized last week when Seemal Hashmi hinted about her leaving City@10, her show on City 42 back in December 2019. In 2020, Seemal started her new show, 24@9 on 24 News HD.

A new show on a national channel and Seemal Hashmi took the challenge to once again prove herself as an ace morning show host. In November 2021, channel decided to pull the plug on the show in order to bring in changes to the morning slog format on the channel.

Seemal moved back to her ‘baby show’ (that is what she calls it) City@10 while the current host of the show was on break. Seemal, once again owned the show and brought back her energy and charm to the show.

We started off by talking about change, and that is what happened to the career of Seemal Hashmi when we talk about her current show.

Ana Yousaf returned to City@10 and Seemal Hashmi now had a new show to work on, Banaam Sarkaar – A show, a genre that is totally alien to the anchor.

“I was confused and nervous about the show and the reason was that it was totally new thing for me,” said Seemal Hashmi. “In last ten years I have worked from the studio, be it my news anchoring time or hosting breakfast news shows, or hosting City@10 or 24@9,” she added.

Seemal has done outdoor shows in past and did cover US elections in 2016 but she believes that this new show was still unchartered territory for her, “I, however, have done a few outdoor assignments such as elections, in fact, I did cover US elections in reporting style back in 2016. But the way Banaam Sarkaar, my new show, is formatted it is something new for me,” said the morning show host turned roadshow anchor.

Seemal’s new show did get good ratings in the first week of its going on air on City 42, talking about her first experience of going out for a roadshow she said, “Outdoor shows are not easy, interacting with the general public is challenging but I totally enjoyed my experience during the first spell of recordings.”

Seemal believes that such shows demand a lot of agility and brainstorming to keep the content unique and engaging while actually highlighting the issues at hand. The show covers problems and issues Lahoris face and is an attempt to bring such issues to the attention and notice of the government. “The tone of the show is sarcastic, but it is not a satire or humor, the show directly addresses the government and authorities to tell them what the problems citizens are facing. And while doing so we bring in not only general people but also relevant authorities and spokespersons to the discussion,” said the anchor about her show format. The show hits sharply on the problems and issues of the city and almost taunts the relevant departments for being negligent.

Seemal Hashmi says that it is interesting experience so far and she takes it as a fresh start for her in journalism. “Studio became my comfort zone, I was however getting ratings, but it was very much of ‘lights, camera, action’ kind of work. And morning show format was on my fingertips now, said the anchor. Talking about what she is enjoying about the show Banaam Sarkar, Seemal said, “Talking to general people is entirely different than talking to a guest in a studio show, this is a change that I am enjoying the most.”


Talking about the challenges of hosting a roadshow Seemal said, “If you randomly go to people they simply refuse to speak or walkout, creating that comfort level is very important and challenging. Also, the willingness and consent is a key factor and that is something I like to acquire beforehand, something that I have learnt on the job while recording for this show.”

Seemal says that she was unsure when she got the opportunity to host this show she was slightly reluctant to leave the comfort zone of hosting a studio show. “My program head had this confidence in me that I can do that. When I started the recording of this show then I started enjoying it. The response I got from friends, colleagues, fans, and ratings motivated me a lot.”

Current affairs are the key topics so far Seemal Hashmi-hosted Banaam Sarkar has covered so far, however, the anchor says that the show is not limited to the certain topics only. She said, “Along with current affairs we shall also be covering social issues, those topics concerning to our day to day life but not get the attention and coverage they should get is the area I want to cover through my show.” So far, Seemal Hashmi has done an edition of Banaam Sarkar on child labour where she tried to explore their side of the story that how such child sees things.

Seemal Hashmi hosted Banaam Sarkar airs from Friday to Sunday at 8:05 pm on City 42.


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