Brand NewsTech

Telenor Pakistan signs License Renewal Template to reiterate commitment to its customers

Continuing its commitment to provide best-in-class telecom and digital solutions to its customers and connecting them to what matters most,Telenor Pakistan has signedits GSM license renewal template issued by Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) under protest and without prejudice.Telenor Pakistan reserves right to continue seeking a legal resolution to its dispute with PTA in this regard.

PTA issued a 15-year license for network operations to Telenor Pakistan in 2004, the renewal of which was required to be done within available framework. Telenor Pakistan has always advocated for a level playing field and fair terms and conditions; and believes that the coverage and quality of services will improve throughjoint efforts of all stakeholder involved to ensure long term viability and sustainability of the telecom sector. The dispute on the onerous terms and conditions of the license template is sub-judice before Supreme Court of Pakistanand Telenor Pakistan will continue the legal recourse to resolve disagreements. However, subject to outcome of aforesaid legal proceeding, in order to ensure greater certainty to business operations, Telenor Pakistan has taken a step forward towards its future ambitionby singing the license template.

Commenting on the development, CEO Telenor Pakistan, Irfan Wahab Khan stated,“Telecom and digital services have become fundamental for modern, sustainable societies to prosper. At Telenor Pakistan, we are continuously maximising our efforts towards enabling our customers and accelerating the pace of digitalisation in the country. The digital ecosystem in Pakistan has immense potential to grow however, there is a need for collective efforts to exploit the potential and bring greater value to consumers. We look forward to the resolution of industry issues and the support from PTA towards ensuring a more conducive regulatory environment in the country.”

Telenor Pakistan has been at the forefront of delivering unhindered and exceptional services to its customers while playing an active role in promoting the country’s prospects in embracing the digital revolution. Continuity of seamless and best-in-class connectivity and digital services, for its 49 million customers, remains the top priority for Telenor Pakistan.

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