
BOL Network’s Meltdown: Termination Spree, Disarrayed Facilities, Harassment Allegations, and Plunging Fortunes Under New Leadership

The landscape of Pakistan’s media industry is anything but monotonous, characterized by constant dynamism and occasional turbulence within media organizations. Amidst this perpetual flux, certain channels consistently find themselves under scrutiny, often for a multitude of reasons, both commendable and contentious. One such entity is BOL, a television network that has experienced its fair share of tumultuous events and contentious moments.

In the epoch of 2013-14, the prospect of the imminent launch of Pakistan’s most expansive TV channel, BOL, was met with fervent anticipation and drew in an array of influential figures. Enthusiasm soared, hinting at the emergence of a formidable force in the media landscape. However, the aspirations were abruptly curtailed around 2015 when a news exposé by Declan Walsh resulted in an indefinite suspension of the channel’s launch. Though briefly acquired by Salman Iqbal, the owner of ARY, BOL eventually reverted to its original owner, Shoaib Ahmed Shaikh, who spearheaded its official launch in 2016.

Many pundits and industry insiders muse that had BOL debuted as initially envisioned in 2015, it could have mirrored the influential stature of Fox News in Pakistan. Nonetheless, despite attracting a cohort of distinguished names to its news and program lineup, the content failed to reach the lofty standards envisioned. Consequently, it failed to command the serious attention typically associated with a top-tier channel.

Fast-forwarding to the watershed moment of 2022, the unprecedented ousting of Imran Khan, the first Prime Minister in Pakistan’s history to be removed through a vote of no confidence, ushered in a seismic shift not only for the ousted PM and his party, Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf (PTI), but also for the entire country, casting a ripple effect that engulfed BOL as well.

Pakistan’s media history has been punctuated by various schisms, ranging from pro-Bhutto and anti-Bhutto factions to pro-Musharaf and anti-Musharaf sentiments. The year 2011 introduced a new cleavage: the emergence of pro-PTI (or pro-Imran Khan) and anti-PTI factions. This division became glaringly evident.


While numerous channels swiftly realigned their stance in sync with PTI’s new trajectory, BOL embarked on a different course, riding the tide of popularity that accompanied Imran Khan’s post-ouster surge, despite the party’s lackluster governance. This surge elevated those who decided to join the ride. Known hitherto for its unwavering pro-state stance, BOL embarked on a novel phase—displaying pro-PTI sentiments but not entirely in harmony with the new state trajectory. This shift garnered increased popularity, but it came with a price—anchors and staff faced repercussions, and the owner found himself entangled in legal entanglements. The denouement was the announcement of BOL’s sale.


In 2023, the acquisition of BOL by AsiaPak Investments heralded a dramatic 720-degree pivot in the channel’s stance and trajectory, signaling a return to the staunch pro-state narrative. This transformation evokes reminiscences of a conversation from 2019 with a former Bol network employee who prognosticated the channel’s potential demise if PTI relinquished power.


Challenges emerged post the takeover by the new management—screen quality dwindled, content standards plummeted, and a whistleblowing incident laid bare internal predicaments. Siddique Jan, Bol News’ erstwhile Islamabad bureau chief, brought the dismal state of affairs to the fore on social media, highlighting the mistreatment and salary delays suffered by workers.

This revelation didn’t catch industry insiders off guard, who had been murmuring about salary discrepancies and mistreatment ever since the new management took the reins.

Several anchors and staff, including Shaista Shahzad and Summaiya Rizwan, vocalized their grievances.

Shaista Shahzad, the news anchor and program host, highlighted the issue of non-payment and mistreatment of employees when they inquire about their salaries and dues.

Later, she confirmed her dismissal from the channel was a result of her social media post regarding unpaid salaries. However, a source familiar with the channel disclosed that while the tweet was a catalyst, Shaista’s ouster stemmed from a combination of factors. The channel expressed dissatisfaction not only with her public conduct but also due to an ongoing conflict with a fellow anchor, citing it as an additional reasons for her dismissal.

Summaiya Rizwan, the former host of BOL News’ renowned tea-time news show ‘Aaj Ki Taaza Khabar,’ publicly announced her dismissal from the channel. She raised concerns about workplace harassment following the new management’s takeover.

In subsequent videos, Summaiya detailed her experience, revealing her removal from the payroll and eventual termination by the channel. Her initial disclosure was prompted by senior journalist Sami Ibrahim‘s post, prompting her to share her ordeal.

It’s crucial to note that Summaiya has been in the USA since September this year. Initially scheduled to return to Pakistan within a month, her plans were disrupted due to her husband’s tragic accident and subsequent surgeries, compelling her to extend her stay in the US. As of now, there’s no confirmed timeline for her return to Pakistan.


Sources close to Summaiya have affirmed her intention to exit the media industry. She has no plans to join any news channel upon her eventual return to the country.

Summaiya Rizwan’s post garnered support not only for herself but also for other anchors and staffers from various factions within the industry.

Amidst the voices of solidarity for the ousted anchors, dissenting opinions emerged. Amna Akram, a former Bol News anchor, contradicted the narrative, asserting that she encountered no such issues during her tenure.

Nonetheless, Muneezay Moeen drew attention to the paradox, recounting her termination without any support.

The wave of dismissals didn’t spare other anchors like Bushra Haq, Zainab Roy, and Salman Mirza, alongside Warisha Zulfiqar, who took a hiatus due to her son’s health concerns.

The firing spree has also hit controller news Masoom Rizvi and Rizwan Awan. Sami Hussain of PCR Production, Reporters from different cities including ace sports reporters Ejaz Wasim Bakhri and Abbas Shabbir.

Former Bol employees recounted the recurrence of this termination pattern under the previous management, highlighting its similarity to the present scenario. Speaking on the condition of anonymity to MediaSpringPK, a former Bol News employee disclosed that this recent wave of terminations at Bol News isn’t unprecedented. Even under the previous management, periodic termination sprees were a norm. “It’s disheartening to see it happening again, especially without settling dues. However, it’s ironic that some are voicing concerns now while they remained silent when enjoying perks, while others were being terminated,” lamented the ex-Bol News employee.

One ex-employee acknowledged the mental pressures of the workplace but dismissed any occurrences of sexual harassment.

A recently terminated former Bol News employee, speaking to MediaSpring PK, acknowledged the truth behind claims of mental torture and work-related pressure. However, the individual clarified that there haven’t been any instances of sexual harassment at the channel. ‘I haven’t witnessed or experienced any such incidents of sexual harassment at Bol,’ the ex-employee affirmed.

The source corroborated ongoing issues, highlighting non-payment of salaries, mass layoffs across departments, and the channel’s operation without a comprehensive plan and minimal staff. ‘Ever since the new management took over, things have deteriorated significantly. They are struggling to meet salary commitments and lack a structured plan for running a TV channel,’ the former employee added.”

Regarding the termination of notable anchors like Summaiya Rizwan, Shaista Shahzad, and Bushra Haq, a former Bol employee pointed out that the new management seemed averse to senior and high-salary anchors. ‘Their primary concern seems to be the reluctance to pay such high salaries, leading to these dismissals,’ the source stated. Highlighting the unfairness of Summaiya’s termination, the employee mentioned her situation—being in the USA attending to her husband—and her abrupt dismissal approximately two months ago.

The employee shed light on the discord between Bushra and the new management, indicating that Bushra expressed dissatisfaction with the shifts assigned by the new management. Upon protesting, she was asked to resign. However, refusing to do so, Bushra eventually left the channel, stating that they could terminate her, but she wouldn’t resign herself. Another anchor from Lahore, Zainab Roy, faced a similar fate, being fired during her leave in Lahore, even without receiving her pending two-month salary.

It’s evident from the gathered information that Bushra and Summaiya were terminated by the channel several weeks ago, but both opted not to disclose it immediately. Bushra Haq, who hasn’t explicitly addressed the issue, has been coping with health conditions since her return from an Umra trip.

A source closely associated with Bol News confirmed the termination of numerous anchors and staff members, particularly targeting those with higher salaries. “The channel may have its own reasoning for layoffs. In Summaiya’s case, it was due to a lack of commitment to return to Pakistan. Although she was removed from the payroll, Bol would have welcomed her back had she chosen to return. However, her recent harassment allegations have left the current management with limited options,” the source explained.

Regarding Bushra Haq, it was revealed that her clash with the new management, primarily due to her independent nature, led to her inevitable departure. As for Shaista, although the new management initially acknowledged her concerns, subsequent conflicts with a fellow anchor and perceived behavioral issues resulted in her dismissal.

The ousting of senior anchors like Summaiya, Shaista, and Bushra seemed rooted in clashes with the new management. Their departures, coupled with discontent, prompted Shaista Shahzad to voice her dissent on social media, even advocating a boycott of Daewoo bus services, owned by BOL’s current management.

Over the past year, Bol News witnessed a discernible shift in editorial stance, content quality, and treatment of anchors and staff. The situation appears precarious, foreboding an imminent demise. The channel seems on a path leading to an undisclosed dissolution, fading into obscurity and culminating as a failure.

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