
This drama of ‘Muslim Umma’ and seeking aid not trade needs to end now: Erum Zaeem

The former news anchor of Samaa, Erum Zeem has been very vocal on her social media lately and is establishing herself as a key opinion leader (KOL) or social media influencer. Erum does take on to her twitter and shares her blunt opinion and analysis of the political situation and current affairs.

Recently commenting on the latest developments of Kashmir conflict and role of “Muslim Umma” in support of Pakistan she said that this drama of Muslim Umma needs to end because it has never benefited Pakistan. She tweeted:

Previously known as Erum Khan, Erum Zaeem while commenting on the balance that Saudi Arabia maintains between Kingdom’s relationship with Pakistan and India, Erum tweeted:

Erum who holds a degree in media studies from the University of Karachi believes the root cause of Pakistan’s week economy and international relations is that as a nation we do not take the ownership of this country, hence, we do not pay our taxes properly. She tweeted:

She further lashed out on our hollow sense of pride and political jingoism:

In her final tweet of the thread, Erum summed up the situation and called our own incompetence to manage our affairs.

Do you agree with the views of Erum Zaeem Khan? or have something to add to the story? Please comment below.

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