

“Gumn,” the latest suspense-filled drama by Green Entertainment, delves into a perplexing murder mystery. Directed by Sarmad Khoosat and featuring a talented ensemble cast, including Tooba Siddiqui, Furqan Qureshi, and Feroze Qadri, the series introduces us to Maya, a fearless lawyer, and Rayyan, a troubled individual with a shadowy past. Bound by pain and a quest for answers, they embark on a journey of revenge, rebellion, and redemption, unveiling a complex plot through multiple perspectives. With promises of intricate storytelling and emotionally charged narratives, “Gumn” is poised to captivate viewers with its enigmatic world of secrets and suspense.

In the latest episode of “Gumn,” the suspense and intrigue continue to build as Maya finds herself entangled in a complex web of mystery and danger. The episode opens with a heartfelt yet thwarted proposal by Sameer, setting the tone for the emotional rollercoaster to come.




Maya’s world takes a chilling turn when she rushes to the hospital to help a shivering, terrified patient who claims to have been attacked by a man in a police uniform in hospital. As Maya delves deeper into the case, she uncovers a sinister plot, leaving viewers on the edge of their seats.

With the patient’s safety in jeopardy and doubts surrounding the hospital’s staff, Maya’s determination to uncover the truth shines through. Her colleague Shahid joins the investigation, and together, they navigate a world filled with secrets and deception.

Meanwhile, a new client opportunity emerges, but Maya’s refusal to take on a high-profile divorce case hints at her commitment to the ongoing mystery. Sameer, driven by ambition, presents an intriguing dynamic that adds another layer of complexity to the narrative.

The episode introduces a character named Rayyan, who seeks answers at the police station, only to be directed towards an enigmatic journalist. This hints at the interconnectedness of various plotlines, keeping viewers eagerly anticipating what’s to come.

With each passing moment, “Gumn” draws us further into its enigmatic world, where nothing is as it seems, and the line between truth and deception blurs. As the tension mounts and the characters’ motivations become increasingly cryptic, this drama promises an exhilarating and captivating viewing experience. Don’t miss a moment of this intricate and emotionally charged narrative that keeps you guessing at every turn.


Written by: Asra Tariq


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