
[Watch Video] Reham Khan smashes Imran Khan in first media appearance after divorce

Reham Khan smashes Imran Khan in first media appearance after divorce
Reham Khan smashes Imran Khan in first media appearance after divorce
Reham Khan smashes Imran Khan in first media appearance after divorce

Former wife of Imran Khan, PTI Chairman , Reham Khan made her first public appearance after the breakup.

While speaking at the media conference in Manchester, Reham Khan spurned questions regarding her separation from Imran Khan. She implied,

“No change is ever possible to take place without the respect for women.”

She also declared,

“You may hit a sixer. But, what makes the difference is that you make a long-term partnership.”

Watch Video Reham Khan address the media conference:

Reham Khan’s first public appearance after divorce by dawn-news

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