Pakistani CinemaVideo

[watch video] A sneak-peak of Mah-e-Mir through the eyes of the cast and crew of the movie

Mah-e-Mir starring the uber-talented Fahad Mustafa and Iman Ali is finally all set for release this May 6th. Aware that with the movie having taken so long in the making, a lot of curiosity has arisen around its production, and considering that it is not your usual run-of-the mill film, the stakeholders of the movie have decided to individually share their views about Mahe-e-Mir through social media via pre-recorded interviews.

While the ten video recordings of interviews that will be released one at a time till the release of the film are sure to grab your attention and leave you yearning to see the movie, view this 50-second collage teaser video that is sure to tweak your interest and give you an idea of what to look out for!

Mah e Mir is an intelligent blend of historic and modern day era and effectively portrays the restlessness Meer experienced that led him to create such great work of poetry for which he has been recognized by generations as one of the most powerful poets in Urdu literature.

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