
WBC Champion Amir Khan Met Lahoris in Sting Challenge

British Pakistani boxer Amir Khan came to Pakistan last week on a tour to start work for his plan of launching an international standard boxing academy. This past Sunday he spent facing challenge from the Pakistani fans in StingChallenge event (twitter hash tag #stingchallenge).

On 2nd August, 2015 Sting TM energy drink organized an event at PC Lahore where challengers had a chance to meet the legendary Amir Khan. In order to qualify for a challenge the challengers were required to punch a punching bag with adequate force move it with full swing, first 50 registered challengers got chance to meet Amir Khan in a boxing ring and Amir Khan gave them important boxing tips.

Bloggers were the first one to go into the boxing ring like stage to meet WBC champion Amir Khan.

Lahore as always has been a great host with enthusiasm as they welcomed and greeted Amir Khan. Amir’s family was present at the event too where his wife was also a center of media attention, Faryal Makhdoom spoke to the media about how much she is enjoying her stay in Pakistan and how much safe she feels here in Pakistan.

During the short Question & Answer session Amir Khan said:

If youth of Pakistan gets proper training, Pakistan can get glories in boxing at international level. Pakistan has so much boxing talent in Pakistan as it is rich in this field but the ominous need of the hour is to prepare under a long-term plan. Pakistani boxers have potential to gain international distinction if contemporary training and facilities are provided to polish their skills.”

Here are some pictures and video clips of the event from our instagram feed:

A short #QnA session with @AmirKingKhan at #StingChallenge event in #Lahore organised by .@stingpk

A photo posted by Rai M Azlan (@rai_azlan) on

Bloggers’ moment in the #boxing ring with @AmirKingKhan at #StingChallenge event in #Lahore org by @stingpk

A photo posted by Rai M Azlan (@rai_azlan) on

#StingChallenge #Lahore #sightsaandsounds #AziClicks

A video posted by Rai M Azlan (@rai_azlan) on


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