
We live in a society where people can’t survive if they’re not judging the next person: Nabeeha Ejaz

Body shaming is defined as “the action or practice of humiliating someone by making mocking or critical comments about their body shape or size” (Oxford Dictionary). This goes for all body types; whether you’re very skinny or plus sized.

The trend of body shaming has always existed in Pakistan, but with time and awareness now voices have started raising against this ill. TV presenter and news anchor Nabeeha Ejaz took to her Instagram and wrote a very heartfelt note. “ Let’s build each other up. We are all doing the best we can, in the same game called life!” wrote the morning show host.

Nabeeha started with the usual remarks we get to hear every other day:

“If you’re skinny, you need to gain weight…. If you’re fat, you need to lose weight. If you smoke weed you’re a druggie. If you drink, you’re an alcoholic. If you get dressed up, you are vain, If you dress down you’ve let yourself go. If you speak your mind, you are rude. If you don’t say anything, you’re snobbish. If you are sociable, you’re a party animal. If you keep yourself to yourself, you’re detached. If you are young, you are immature, if you’re old you’re dispensable.”

Further she stated what one should do and how you survive:

YOU can’t do anything without being criticized. We live in a society where people can’t survive if they’re not judging the next person. Love me or hate me, but you will never change me. Get to know people before judging them.

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